A Dream Come True

18 years ago we met via a blind date and have been supporting each others dreams since. Stu worked 20 years in the Navy traveling the world, while Autumn kept the home fires burning, making sure Stu worried about nothing other than whatever task the military had for him to complete. Sometimes if Autumn was very lucky she was even allowed to go and visit Stu wherever he was. After her first trip to Japan she was bitten by the travel bug. She began doing road trips and exploring the US with her family and friends. After joining Unique Romance Travel, she returned to college attaining her degree in small business management and professional travel agent certificate, furthering her dream of sharing her love for travel. For 7 years Autumn has worked as a travel advisor sending people around the world! Stu retired from the Navy and now works with Autumn growing the business and bringing new aspects to what we offer and do. And sometimes if Stu is very lucky, he’s even gets to travel with Autumn wherever she goes!

Why we do what we do

We love traveling to new places, seeing the different architectures, learning the different histories, talking with the people and trying new foods. Both of us have traveled extensively but still with each new destination that we go, we learn so much! Whether it’s a new spot you’ve got to check out, or a hidden gem we never knew about, we gather up all of the information and share our knowledge with you. However, the world is big and we can’t possibly know every location inside and out, the beautiful thing is that through our connections we have access to people that live there in the location you want to travel to. They help us out with knowing those little secrets so we can share them with you. Why would we tell you we don’t know everything? Well, we believe in honesty and integrity. When we don’t know something we will tell you, and we will work tirelessly to find out. We can book every type of travel and are excited to help make your dream come true! We look forward to meeting with you and hearing all about the adventures you want to embark on!

Hi! I’m Autumn, I’m the one who works in the front and does most of the communicating with you and our partners. When you get an itinerary that’s me at work.

Hi. I’m Stu, I’m the one who works in the background and does all of the technical attributes. If you see a post on Social Media or your payments being applied that’s me at work.

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